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Monthly Archives: February 2010

Getting Started – Introduction to the Cigar

5 February 2010

Everyone has to start somewhere. If you are new to cigar smoking, or know someone who is, you’ll enjoy this video, which offers suggestions for getting started and some cigars you might enjoy. Share it with your friends and then bring them down to the shop to show them YOUR favorites!

February Already?

3 February 2010

That means Valentine’s Day is less than two weeks away! If you want to tell your sweetie that you think he (or she) is smokin’ hot, get them an assortment of their favorite cigars. We have a huge selection of classic and flavored cigars to fit every budget, as well as a wide variety of great accessories for those who already have a packed out humidor.

We’re happy to make recommendations and put it together for you to create a unique gift for the cigar lover in your life. We can add a bottle of wine, candy or gift certificates to their favorite restaurant to make it a special gift, tailored specifically to them and the things that bring them joy. We can even deliver it to the recipient or a hotel room for a special surprise!

Not sure which cigars they would like? Perhaps they love to try everything? A Cigar Grotto gift certificate is always a safe bet. That way, they can come down to the shop to select their favorites, try something new or treat themselves to that humidor, lighter, ashtray or cutter they’ve had their eye on. Either way, they’ll love you for choosing a gift that they can enjoy!

If you are the cigar lover, now is the time to drop some hints, isn’t it? Leave our business card sitting out, tell them about our new website, suggest our fanpage on facebook. They’re bound to get the idea…

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